
Mauricio Barbour Chehin obtained his medical degree in 2002 at Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, Brazil and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2006 at State University of Campinas, Brazil. He was trained in reproductive medicine at Federal University of São Paulo (2008) and he is a specialist doctor in assisted reproduction since 2012 at Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva in São Paulo, Brazil. He earned his PhD on “Insulin pathway gene expression in granulosa cells from lean and obese women with Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome during IVF cycles” in Federal University of São Paulo in 2015. He is also a founding member of the Brazilian Oncofertility Network – ReBOC and Assistant Professor in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine of Santo Amaro. Dr Chehin main research interest is to improve fertility preservation options for oncological patients.

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Mauricio Barbour Chehin obtained his medical degree in 2002 at Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, Brazil and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2006 at State University of Campinas, Brazil. He was trained in reproductive medicine at Federal University of São Paulo (2008) and he is a specialist doctor in assisted reproduction since 2012 at Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva in São Paulo, Brazil. He earned his PhD on “Insulin pathway gene expression in granulosa cells from lean and obese women with Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome during IVF cycles” in Federal University of São Paulo in 2015. He is also a founding member of the Brazilian Oncofertility Network – ReBOC and Assistant Professor in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine of Santo Amaro. Dr Chehin main research interest is to improve fertility preservation options for oncological patients.

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