J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Aug;33(8):1009-15. doi: 10.1007/s10815-016-0686-4. Epub 2016 Mar 16.

Are we ready to inject? Individualized LC-CUSUM training in ICSI



The objective of this prospective, single center study was to develop a personalized training scheme for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) through the use of learning curve-cumulative summation (LC-CUSUM), which allows to tailor training to the trainee performance, and to validate it against the performance of experienced embryologists.


Five trainees microinjected latex microspheres (LM) into vitro matured oocytes. A microinjection was considered successful when the oocyte did not lyse in the 24 h following the injection.


Each trainee became proficient at ICSI after a variable number of injections, ranging from 35 to 80. Trainees that achieved proficiency went on to perform ICSI with human gametes in a clinical setting with proficiency comparable to that of experienced embryologists.


We show that LC-CUSUM based personalized ICSI training is feasible and allows trainees to be as proficient as trained embryologists when treating actual patients.


ICSI; LC-CUSUM; Learning curve; Training

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Year: 2016

Journal: Journal of assisted red reproduction and genetics

PMID: 26979744

Keywords: Techniques

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Center: Clinica Eugin, Spain ,